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Create with ease

Drop in blocks, edit text, add images and include personalisation. Create great emails in minutes.

Welcome Series

Drag & Drop Editor

Just drop the blocks into the email, edit content inline and send - no technical skills required.

Welcome Series

Easy and Simple to Use

Edit email text, drop images into emails, creating emails with amazing results.

Welcome Series


From "Hi Paul" to subscription preferences, personalising emails is easy and the results are effective.

Welcome Series


Our editor makes it easy to create emails that display on desktop, tablet and mobile phones. 

Track with detail

Track your subscribers interactions with your email to improve your emails and increase your ROI.

Hotspot Map

Where is the favourite spot on your email? How often is it clicked? Our heatmap provides indepth insights.


With realtime reports watch when subscribers open and links are clicked as it happens. Find out your best time to send.

Email Clients

Mobile, desktop or tablet? Discover your subscribers' preferred devices.


Track social media shares and opens. Integrate your email marketing with Google Analytics.

Automate with power

Automation in email marketing is a great way to introduce your services, keep in touch with people. 

Welcome Series

Date-based automations

The simplest date-based automation is "Happy Birthday" - a great way to re-enforce your relationship with a subscriber.

Welcome Series

Welcome series of emails

With a subscriber signup, send a welcome series of emails over an extended period to re-inforce your products, service and brand.

Welcome Series

Triggered emails

Re-engage inactive customers, send followup emails based on customer actions. Correctly triggered emails have some of the highest interation rates.